一,The paid order timed out
If you have sent a payment to a seller but the trade has timed out(due to you not clicking "I have paid", please immediately do the following:
1, First, contact the seller with a request to restart the trade.
2, If the seller does not respond, contact the CoinCola Support Team with a request to restart the trade.
3, CoinCola Support Team will ask the seller to release coins, but it does not guarantee 100% success.
二,Release coins by mistake
If the buyer does not make a payment , you still releases coins, please do the following:
1, First, contact the buyer to complete the payment;
2, If the buyer does not respond, please contact the CoinCola Support Team to restrict buyer's account.
3, CoinCola Support Team will ask the buyer to complete the payment, but it does not guarantee 100% success.
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