Sending to the wrong address
Once you initiate a cryptocurrency transaction and CoinCola confirms and uploads it the blockchain network, the transaction cannot be canceled or altered. Due to the anonymous nature of blockchain wallet addresses, it may not be possible to contact wallet owners. If you send assets to the wrong address, we recommend that you contact the platform owner that the wallet address belongs to and ask for instructions to retrieve your cryptocurrency.
Cross-chain transactions
Transferring one type of coin to a different type of coin’s address, e.g. transferring bitcoin (BTC) to a bitcoin cash address (BCH), will be considered a ‘cross-chain transaction’. When cross-chain transactions occur, CoinCola may be able to attempt to recover funds under the conditions outlined below.
CoinCola Cross-Chain Policy
CoinCola’s cross-chain transaction recovery service is only applicable in the following situations:
1.Bitcoin (BTC) transfers to bitcoin cash (BCH) addresses.
2.Bitcoin (BTC) transfers to bitcoin cash (BCH) addresses.
CoinCola will only attempt to recover funds for cross-chain transactions of USD 5000 and above, with a charge of 0.1 BTC per recovery. CoinCola does not guarantee that all cross-chain transactions can be recovered due to inherent security risks and workload of the recovery process.
CoinCola does not recover coins or tokens we do not support. This includes the transfer of ethereum (ETH) from smart contract addresses to an ETH addresses.
Due to the irreversible nature of digital currency protocols, we recommend that you always double check you are sending the correct cryptocurrency to the correct address.
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