First method: Via the official CoinCola website
Step 1
Visit the official website:
- CoinCola official website address:
- CoinCola alternate domain name:
- Note: if the first address is not accessible, please try the second address.
Step 2
Click on "Help" in the lower right corner of the homepage.
Step 3
Click on "Contact Us" > "Live Chat"
Step 4.
Add your phone number, briefly describe the problems you are encountering and then click “Start Chatting”.
Step 5
A live chat window with a member of CoinCola's customer support team will now be initiated.
Second Method: Via the CoinCola App
Step 1
Download the CoinCola app and log in.
Step 2
Select ‘Account’ in the navigation bar and then ‘Live Chat Support’.
Step 3
Add your phone number, briefly describe the problems you are encountering and click "Next". A live chat window with a member of CoinCola's customer support team will now be initiated.
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