Step 1:
Log in to your CoinCola account. Visit the ‘Wallet’ page and select either ‘Exchange account’ or ‘P2P account’ according to your needs. You’ll see a list of coins with options to deposit, withdraw, transfer or trade. Click ‘Deposit’ for your chosen coin and copy the ‘Deposit Address’ to your clipboard.
1、P2P account is for P2P trade like buy or sell bitcoin with Naira
2、Exchange account is for Exchange Trade like buy or sell BTC to ETH
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To change your wallet address, click on ‘Address Management’ and then select ‘Add new address’. Deletion of addresses is not supported at this time.
Step 2:
Log in to the platform you want to withdraw assets from. Enter the receiving wallet address of your CoinCola Account(Both P2P and Exchange Account are available), input the amount to be withdrawn and complete the transfer.
Deposit notes and requirements
- Your CoinCola wallet allows you to store multiple types of cryptocurrencies. Before transferring assets between wallets, make sure you are sending the correct cryptocurrency to the correct address. Once sent, there is no way of reversing the transaction.
- Different blockchains require different amounts of ‘confirmations’ before a transaction is verified. For bitcoin (BTC) addresses, your transaction should arrive on CoinCola by one network confirmation.
Minimum deposit amounts
- There is a minimum deposit amount for each type of cryptocurrency. If a deposit amount is below the required minimum, CoinCola will not process the transaction.
Deposit Fee
Deposit is free of charge.
For the fees of CoinCola, click here to know more.
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