Dear CoinCola users,
At CoinCola, we are committed to providing a safe trading environment for our customers. We are pleased to announce the launch of Risk Management and Information Security Management Systems on January 1th, 2019 10:00 (UTC+8) after three months of trial basis. The systems are executed based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in order to monitor real-time trades and prevent fraudulent activities. During our trial launch, we have successfully eliminated a large number of suspicious activities.
To protect our community, we may restrict accounts that trigger the system alerts regarding any suspicious activities. Platform functions such as trade, deposit, withdrawal and transfer will be temporarily restricted during suspension. Please contact our customer support to reinstate your CoinCola account.
We continue to assess the changing environment in cryptocurrency trading. We stand ready to take safety protocol required to maintaining a secure platform as well as responding to emerging risks.
Jan 11 2019
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